Dutch Hill Chocolates
Our Most Loved Chocolates
Discover our customers’ favorite assortments and chocolate!

About Dutch Hill Chocolates
Years of trial and error along with very discerning “sweet teeth” have culminated to bring you, the candy lover, what we truly believe to be the most delicious butter creams that you’ll ever eat.
Over the past 50 years, the family has strived to produce the highest quality chocolate products that money can buy. High quality to us means that we continue to make our products in house with the original recipes, and do not add any preservatives.
Many think that the word gourmet should appear somewhere on our packaging. Well, perhaps it should. You be the judge.
We are confident, though, of one thing. Each time you treat yourself to Dutch Hill Chocolates, your taste buds will soar to new heights of epicurean pleasure. That may be a cliché, but it’s true, nonetheless. Trust us!